(a) The affairs of the Club, except in those matters reserved under rules for the Club in general meeting, shall be managed by a general committee. The general committee shall exercise the powers given to it by the rules and shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer and at least 4 other members who have held membership for a minimum of two years and will be elected at a General Meeting.
(b) After 1 year committee members shall retire, but shall be eligible for re-election at the AGM. The names of the candidates, together with the proposer and the seconder shall be posted in the club 14 days prior to such meeting. No candidate shall be elected to the committee unless duly proposed and seconded by a member.
(c) Any club member who has had their membership suspended by the committee for any reason and for any length of time shall not be eligible for proposal to serve as an officer or committee member of the club.