(a) The Committee shall have the power to appoint and dismiss the Secretary/Treasurer and other officers of the Club and to fix their remuneration.
(b) The Committee shall be responsible for all accounts and liabilities of the Club, to which a statement will be posted on the Noticeboard fourteen days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
(c) Any matter pertaining to the conduct, welfare or interest of the Club, not dealt with in the foregoing rules, shall be decided by a majority vote of the Committee and such decisions confirmed at the Annual General Meeting.
(d) Any disputes or complaints between members and officers of the Club shall be given in writing to the Secretary/Treasurer and settled by the Committee whose decision will be final.
(e) The Committee shall fix from time to time the charges for refreshments and other charges to be paid in the Club, and cause a list of the same to be exhibited upon the Club premises.
(f) The General Committee shall elect persons to membership of the Club and shall have the power to refuse to elect persons to membership without assigning any reasons therefore.
(g) The General Committee may from time to time make vary or revoke by-laws (not inconsistent with these rules) for the regulation of the internal affairs of the Club and the conduct of members. Notice of such will be posted on the Nopticeboard for a period of twenty-one days. Until revoked all by-laws shall be binding on the members.
(h) The Committee shall have the power to arrange special functions on the premises with limited admittance and entrance fee.